Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Another Beautiful Day

One of my favorite parts of my new country life is feeding our animals. Since Brian has started working at the factory, I am on breakfast duty. We usually feed the animals together in the evening. When I come home from work in the morning, all the animals run up to the fence to greet me. No matter how difficult my night has been (and being an oncology nurse, things can get tough!) Gretel, Bea, Weekend and Maia always put a smile on my face.The dogs get to eat their kibble twice a day. Recently, I have been giving them lots of different chews to occupy their puppy mouths. They love to chew! Sometime they chew on sticks. The goats get clipping from various trees. They even eat pine needles! Amazing what their four stomachs can digest.
We have been very much enjoying the more frequent appearance of Phillippe the pheasant. We think he has been more adventurous in gathering food in light of the coming winter. He really is a beautiful bird! Hoping none of the neighbors decide to eat him for dinner!
We have been told there is a yearly elk run through our back pasture. They gorge themselves on the leftover pears in the orchard behind our house then come into our pasture to rest. Our neighbors have already gotten elk tags for this year. Will be interesting to see what happens!

1 comment:

  1. I am really enjoying your adventures on how you are going about starting your goat dairy and how iinvolved it is to get started. I am amazed at how you can keep track of all the animals names! Thanks for sharing. Carol clementz
